Remangar Flamenco Company Temblor

(Tremor), Herzliya, October 25

OCTOBER 28, 2018 21:13


A decade ago Keren and Avner Pesach returned to Israel after a long stay in Spain, where they studied and performed with Los Farrucos, one of Spain’s most distinguished flamenco families. They settled in Jerusalem and founded Remangar, a Flamenco company dedicated to conservative ‘Pure Flamenco’ style, setting new standards locally for professional flamenco performances. Concurrently in Spain the new flamenco that challenges the rigid discipline is gaining momentum

Remangar’s recent show Temblor maintains their intention to follow tradition and present the main flamenco components in meticulous shape. It was a particular pleasure to listen to the highly gifted guest guitarist Andres Hernandez of Seville, who developed a uniquely singular sound. The second Spanish guest was Jose Anillo Salazar, a well-known Flamenco singer. Both lifted the production which included five musicians and five dancers

Keren Pesach and Avner, her partner, have been dancing together for many years, though she was the one who dominated the floor with her strong teiration to bring over the essence of the Spanish soul, embedded in thetechnique, temperament and powerful presence

the evening’s festive energy included exciting moments of artistic quality, showcasing the company’s asp pure flamenco

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